Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Power Rangers 2017: Trains or Ninjas?

   Dino Charge is on hiatus....yay....anyway, The episodes has already aired, and it's DINO-MITE!!!.........yeah...Anyway, Dino Charge is awesome. The Characters, the story, the use of Sentai footage, the foreshadowing, and the Easter eggs from Kyoryuger are great. But from the many things we Power Rangers fans are wondering about the future of Dino Charge, one keeps coming up to mind. Who will take over as Power Rangers when Dino Charge ends?

   Rangercrew has recently reported that the big guys at Saban Brands have taken a liking to a poll. This poll is about the future of Power Rangers in 2017 and which goofy as hell Super Sentai season will take up the Legacy as Power Rangers after Dino Charge ends. Will it be the Rainbow trains from Ressha Sentai ToQger, or the shinobis who run wild instead of hiding, Shuriken Sentai Ninninger?

Personally, I believe some of these events might happen.
  • One Sentai will be skipped for the other.
  • One will be dragged on for two years like Samurai, Megaforce and Dino Charge.
  • One of these teams will celebrate 25 years of Power Rangers.
Hopefully, the last two WON'T happen, because of the way the fandom has been vocal for the past year, and how Saban Brands have been interacting with the fans via social media, and how awesome Dino Charge has been, I think Saban Brands is trying their best to not have ANOTHER Super Mega Disaster like last year with adapting two different Sentai into one hybrid. Mighty Morphin got away with it because it had writers and producers who cared, but mostly because the Zyuranger suits and sixth Dairanger suit were somewhat similar. The Goseiger and Gokaiger suits were nothing alike. With that out of the way, lets get started. This will be a summary of each teams. Their stories won't be ours (as long as they don't hire Johnathon Tzachor again), but it's some info on what to expect.

Ressha Sentai ToQger:

There are the 38th and First train-theme Super Sentai team. Five young people travel on the Rainbow Line. But they have several problems: they'll often arrive at a station only to find it's been taken over by the evil Shadow Line, they can't remember anything beyond their childhoods, and there are lost trains (Support Ressha Zords) that need to be found. They fight the Shadow Line as ToQgers using the Power of, and I'm not kidding here,

Along the way, they recruit an former ally to the Shadow Line to become the 6th ToQger, but not just any ToQger, he is the Orange Ranger, Super Sentai's first Orange Ranger in over 30 years since 1979's Battle Fever J with Battle Cossack. Meaning, if chosen to become Power Rangers, he will be the first Orange Ranger in Power Rangers History (Not counting Boom from SPD), all while trying to regain their memories and go home. ToQger is met with mixed reviews. Some hate it for being goofy as hell, more than Go-onger. Some hate it for the Red Ranger, Right, and I can see that. He is annoying as hell in the first half. In one episode, he confesses to a crime he knows damn well he didn't commit, just to have a bite to eat. But the second half, you tolerate him. Saban Brands' feelings on the show is why this whole debate exists, and why the people believe that they will choose the latter instead of the former.

At the 2014 Power Morphicon, Saban Brands explained why Go-busters was skipped for Kyoryuger, and how they feel about ToQger. The info came from the tweets of O.92:

Saban's current thoughts on Tokkyuger: trains are not major part of kids lives in USA like Japan. Trains also not major public trans in US.

Does not mean Tokkyuger will be skipped. Depends what Toei does next. But Saban isn't in love with Tokkyuger. This is per Bandai.

Saban feels ToQ suits incredibly pre-schoolish. Zords too stiff. But we'll see. Depends on ToQ's 
final salesin Japan & Toei's next theme.

“@Morphin_K: @Odot92 So basically toy sales are the deciding factor on if Saban can 

skip a Sentai or not?” Basically. Saban all about the $$

Yeah....also this....

But they could just skip this episode, so...yeah. In the other corner, the current Sentai team.

Shuriken Sentai Ninninger

The 39th, Current, and Third Ninja-theme team, behind Kakuranger (Alien Rangers) and Hurricanger (Ninja Storm). Five Grandchildren of the "Last Ninja", a Legendary Warrior Ninja who defeated the Evil Warlord Gengetsu Kibaoni 444 years prior to today, must become the Ninningers to defeat the returning Kibaoni and the Youkai monsters from destroying humanity.

The show is pretty entertaining, but is suffering from what the previous Sentai was suffering from, the annoying as hell Red Ranger. 8 episodes in, with the sixth ranger on the way. He is a Gold Ranger, who is a Cowboy Ninja with a cheeseburger for a phone and a morpher......yeah...I just wrote that....

Might as well, since Power Rangers' next Gold Ranger won't come within a few months.

Personally, I think they should make the US ToQger adaptation a hybrid of In Space-Lost Galaxy-Guardians of the Galaxy fusion. That would be so cool...or whatever...just don't make the US adaptation a copy and paste of ToQger, It wasn't that great, but it was still entertaining.

I'm kinda split. I don't think ToQger's suits are nearly as bad as people over-exaggerate them and I also don't like or think seasons should be skipped over sales or assumptions over what today's kids like. But I do understand. Even the greatest season of Power Rangers ever created would be a complete failure if it doesn't turn a profit of any kind. On the Ninninger side, their suits are amazing and they do have a better theme that is tried and true, especially in the targeted audiences case. We're gonna need our Ninja fix soon, with Naruto being over, the awesome-ass TMNT cartoon on a hiatus of their own, (on the same channel as Power Rangers, no less.) and the awful-ass Abaymination TMNT sequel coming, we're gonna need something to tie us over....But that's just me.

Anyway, what do you think? How should Saban Brands handle all of this?

See you humans later.


  1. Go-onger is my favorite sentai I don't get why people hate it. If you don't like cheese why are you watching toku?

    ToQger was amazing. Ninninger's been OK so far. All in all I think it'd be easier for them to adopt traingers tbh

  2. ToQger, because there are trains in the US called, metro.

  3. a toqger adaptation set in europe would work well america is more of a car based society when it comes to transportation but since saban is cheap and only carse about money i think they will skip to nininger just cause its prob a safer bet

  4. It's a difficult choice. Both Toqger and Ninniger has its own forte.
    Toqger has green and the 1st Orange ranger. I love both of them. The theme is also unique.
    Ninniger has a male yellow ranger and amazing 6th Cowboy ranger. The suits are amazing.

    If only we had a train theme then green, male yellow, blue cowboy then orange construction worker as the 6th. Probably just one female like Dino Charge. Preferably pink just to make it colorful, then that season would win.
