Wednesday, August 26, 2015

DEATH BATTLE: Facts over Fanboyism 2: Goku vs Superman 2

Here I am again, throwing my hat into an already dirtiest, messiness, stinkiest ring in the history of pop culture.

Last month, Screwattack released another Death Battle, but this one is a rematch to one of their most controversial debate in Pop culture history, Superman vs Goku.

As as expected,  many people (Mostly DBZ fans or "fanboys") have made their own rebuttal claiming Screwattack is "Bias" against Dragonball Z and anime in general. All the youtubers who made these videos responding (or ranting) against Screwattack are the following:

  • Roaring Thunder Pursuit (Formerly Roaring Thunder Project)
  • SSJRyu1

Like my first article refuting these whiny weaboo aholes regarding another DBZ character, This is my re....
EVERYTHING (Response, Review, Retort,etc) to Screwattack's Death Battle: Goku vs. Superman 2

 First off, I want to say the following:

  • I am a fan of the Dragonball series.
  • I am a fan of the DC series, but I'm more akin to the Marvel Series.
  • I wanted to make a video review, but due to personal, technical and financial problems, and I unable to make one, but I wanted to get my voice out and not leave this lying down.
  • I am NOT a member of Screwattack, or know any of them. They are in Texas, I am in New York.
I have NOTHING against these people, but their bias, hypocrisy, ignorance, and stupidity is shining threw in this and any other videos pitting a DBZ character against a DC character. Obviously, these guys has obviously NEVER read a DC comic in their lives.

Unlike my previous article, this one is mostly about the misconceptions from both Screwattack and the DBZ fanboys about Both character. Because this debate is THAT big.

First off, Are you serious? I know you are desperate to prove Goku is better, because obviously he's more popular than Superman, but Popularity can ONLY go so far.

Unlike ALL other videos from the DBZ fanboys, I will be pitting Goku's strongest form against Superman's strongest form...The DBZ fanboys are pissed that Screwattack DIDN'T calculate the power input/output from Goku's Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan forms, hell, Toriyama himself has said NOTHING about these forms, aside from still being unable to defeat Beerus....So the fanboys decided to make it up themselves, but I'll get back to that later.

Misconceptions (and Misunderstandings) about Superman

When it comes to Superman's feats, Screwattack (no pun intended) screwed the pooch when it came to Superman's abilites. SSJRyu1 got some of the misconceptions wrong as well and ANYONE who has read the Comics, Like Me, would know the truth.

1. First off, Superman is at best have limitless power but people misinterpreted it to limitless strength. Screwattack is trying to tell us that Superman have limitless power, but not strength ( It's so obvious, why won't people get that? ) But, Superman gets his power from the earth's yellow sun. As long as there is a sun, he will always have power. In fact, if he spends a lot of time in the sun, he gets a lot more power. because he has an infinite power source, he TECHNICALLY has infinite power, and I will show that later, but first the "supposed" feats Screwattack said Superman could you lift Eternity...REALLY?!?

For the first part, Superman/Wonder Woman didn't even lift the Spectre for that long, only for a moment.
 I guess the reason Screwattack said that, I assume, is because their point was Superman ACTUALLY did it. He ACTUALLY lifted the physical concept of Eternity, but this where Screwattack was wrong. Superman NEEDED help from Wonder Woman, and he obviously, and preferably, can't do it alone, when they said he can do it on his own, which he actually can't.

Also, Superman technically DIDN'T lift an "Infinite Weight" when he and Shazam lifted a book of INFINITE pages. He did, but he NEEDED from Shazam because he has the Strength and Stamina of Hercules and Atlas and the Power of Zeus. Again, he needed help and again the reason Screwattack said that, I assume, is because their point was Superman ACTUALLY did it. He ACTUALLY lifted the physical concept of Infinity. But they said he can do it on his own, which he actually can't.

Second, WHY did Screwattack use the New 52 version of Superman, a weaker version of the Superman used in the previous battle? When he used some of the techniques he can't use anymore in the comics, like flight?

2. He survived the shockwave of the power of 50 supernovas, not a direct hit from the force, and even that proved too much for him. But further help from people reading this proved me wrong.

As it turns out, Superman CAN tank 50 supernovas, but why? The "electromagnetic shockwave" IS the "explosion", so he DID tank the direct hit from the force, and the thing that would have incinerated Superman was the "ball of radiation" that came right after. You also ignore the fact that Superman was losing power due to red sunlight radiation before the feat, which makes it more impressive. Superman was NERFED during that time.

Then there was a time Superman held a black hole. The dialog shows that he could barely hold on to it for long. If Superman had NO limits, then that wouldn't be a problem.
Well, the black hole was no bigger than a sec of dust, as Captain Atom even said. According to the hypertextbook, a spec of dust can be as small as a micrometer. (0.00002 in.) .
Also, there was a barrier of a magnetic field holding it, or else the area it was in would be no more.

But as it turns out, The black hole was CLEARLY bigger in the scans of the feat, being about as big as Superman's hands.
"Also, there was a barrier of a magnetic field holding it, or else the area it was in would be no more."
It was stated and definitively shown on panel that the magical field containing the black hole was failing, which is why Superman went and held the black hole himself in the first place.

3. Many people use this scan to say that Superman can move planets:

The same one that Screwattack have used before to calculate Superman’s strength in their first video.
However, there’s a problem, if you read the context, Green Lantern was helping Superman:

But it turns out there's more to it. First off, yes, they were pulling the Planet - the smoke trail behind them clearly makes this evident, but they just weren't able to pull it fast enough, which is why Kyle Rayner had needed to jump in and aid them in the last panel. It had also been mentioned on-panel that they were in a hurry, because Martian Manhunter didn't know how long the spell on Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth would've lasted and, given the speed evident by the smoke cloud, even a low-end calculation would'veput this feat at high Planetary-level. For further information, I refer you to this calc as is credited to Derpaholic and his sources:

The distance that Superman, Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman had dragged Planet Earth was calculated as being 11,120.7 km, based on our pixel-scaling off of the diameter of the Earth itself and, by using the Kinetic Energy formula and using a low-end time of 10 seconds, this calc had gotten us a total energy of 8.826249392e20 Megatons of force, or divided into 2.942e20 Megatons of force per Justice Leaguer - enough to, again, pull the Earth at Hypersonic speeds."
Even if we took your downplay seriously, that simply means that each Justice Leaguer can move 2e24 kg of mass, which is HARDLY a far cry from Earth moving.
Take note that Green Lantern wasn't helping Superman physically move the Planet, by bearing any of the weight. He only constructed the harness that Superman utilized to move the Earth faster than he could with just his hands, and even in saying that, the likelihood is that Superman had held back to minimize the strain on Hal's harness-like construct. Even if we do assume that Green Lantern did assist beyond generating the harness and had actually bore some of the Earth's weight, Superman still pulled at least the equivalent of Earth's mass.
The first feat that I'll present as proof of Superman possessing this kind of strength is in Justice League of America Volume 2 #29 - here, Superman moves the entire Earth with a harness constructed by Hal Jordan's Green Lantern Ring AGAINST the grip of Star-Breaker, who is a fully-grown Sun-Eater attempting to drag the Earth into the Sun.

But the point is Superman DOES have SOME limits. Even right now in the New 52 comics, he has been limited. Screwattack was OBVIOUSLY bias in THIS video than they were in the last. Superman is NOT ompinoment, at all. He never was.

......But somehow Goku is?

Misconceptions about Goku

Wow. Where do I begin with this?

1. Two articles I have read used Broly as an example that Goku can destroy planets much more than Superman. Superman absorbing enough energy to vaporize half a galaxy is actually still a good feat. But those types of feats isn't new in the Dragonball world. For example, Broly.
There was a time where Broly nearly destroyed an entirety of a galaxy. And Goku is without a doubt much stronger than him, whether you consider Broly canon or not.

Yeah...about that...

No, Broly did NOT one-shot the South Galaxy.

Most people think he one-shotted it because of the English dub. Guess what, folks? The English dub is a lot different than the original and accurate Japanese version. In the Japanese version, the narrator says Broly's been tearing up the galaxy. Nowhere does it say he did it in one shot. Seriously. For Broly to destroy a galaxy it would take billions of years to travel from star to star.

 Because people immediately assume that Broly destroyed the galaxy within seconds when it wasn't stated, when he could've possibly done it in hours or days. It also didn't specify if Broly did it in a single shot or he traveled to multiple planets and destroyed them one at a time similar to what Buu did, as the Japanese dub said that it was in the process of being destroyed. Even then Goku's able to still go to the supposed "destroyed" galaxy.

 2. Super Saiyan God (red hair) & Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (blue hair).

Goku attained the ability to harness Super Saiyan God energy, but he was not able to do a complete SSG transformation on his own. he then thought to use the method of Super Saiyan transformation in combination with super saiyan god energy. thus, a new transformation was born. one that was in between Super Saiyan, and the pinnacle which is Super Saiyan God.

Now for the form most of my fellow DBZ fans aren’t going to like me for … Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan. And here’s why.

Like I said, there is NO. ACTUAL. FACTUAL. Statement of power levels in Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan. NONE WHATSOEVER. Again, Toriyama himself has said NOTHING about these forms, aside from still being unable to defeat Beerus.....So the fanboys decided to make ALL of it up themselves.

Here are the facts about these forms:
  • Super Saiyan God surpasses Super Saiyan 3.
  • The power of this form is great enough to allow Goku to fight on par with the God of Destruction Beerus, who had effortlessly defeated Super Saiyan 3 Goku, Ultimate Gohan, Majin Buu, Super Saiyan Gotenks, and a fully powered Vegeta.
Contrary to popular belief, SSGSS has been proven not to be any more powerful than the form above. A lot of fans think, because it says you go Super Saiyan within the Super Saiyan God form, that you gain the same 50x increase the normal Super Saiyan transformation gives you. I myself believed this when the form was first revealed, because it made sense. However, this cannot be the case, since Whis states in Resurrection F that only if Goku and Vegeta worked together in their new SSGSS forms could they “probably” defeat Beerus. Let’s take a look at that statement for a moment.

It’s true that Goku and Vegeta became more powerful between Battle of Gods and Resurrection F, as Goku is hinted to have surpassed Beerus at 70% of his power. However, if Goku in his Super Saiyan God form was already at 60% of Beerus’ full power, and Whis says even his Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form cannot beat Beerus alone, then how could SSGSS give a 50x power increase? Simple fact is it couldn’t.

I mean think about it. SSGSS really doesn't look as strong as SSG. I don't think there is anything stronger than SSG. Beerus used nearly 70% of his full power in his battle with Goku. when turning Super Saiyan, Goku's power level increases at least 3x. if turning SSGSS increased Goku's power level the same way, he would be far stronger than Beerus, and Freiza was even stronger than that at first.

1.  Because Whis says it would take both Goku and Vegeta in their SSGSS forms to defeat Beerus.
2.  Because Golden Freeza is still afraid of Beerus and politely asks him if he’s going to interfere in his fight with Goku. Hell, Whis himself stated that if Goku AND Vegeta were to cooperate and fight Beerus TOGETHER, they MIGHT be able to deafeat him, basically meaning that EVEN in Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form, Goku ALONE would STILL lose!

Then there's what Goku said about the Form in Resurrection F:

" let’s say I got a taste of something called Super Saiyan God, and now I’ve learned to tap into that power on my own."
It is because of these that Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan cannot truly be considered a form that increases one’s power, but instead its effectiveness. Super Saiyan God had a limit. Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan does not; therefore making it a much more suitable form to take on for battle. It is ascended because it’s like mastering the Super Saiyan God form to the point where you truly become a god, not just a temporary god.

Anyway, I covered about everything. Lets get started.  I will be doing a 100% non-biased comparison between Goku and Superman, as I did with Kirby and Majin Buu and I will also criticize Screwattack for Overselling Superman, as some of his feats are shady as well. It will come to 6 categories: Speed, Strength, Ki/Energy Manipulation, Experience, Skills/Techniques, and Durability. No, I will NOT be using that "Gravity Formula" crap, and DEFINITELY NO DBZ fan speculations. I will be using Science and the pages of both the Manga of Dragonball Z and the pages of the Superman Comics THEMSELVES. All to find out if you, the DBZ fans were right or if Screwattack was right. Time to begin with Strength.


1.  Striking strength describes the power behind the character’s physical blows. Generally, anything that has to do with the character’s actions instead of passively holding up weighs is about this category. While lifting strength is a static value which can be measured in units of weight or mass, striking strength is different. It relies more on “action” which is a combination of speed and mass and could be the best measured in joules. As such striking strength requires a whole different classification system.

2. Goku has had shown great feats of strength, but the best known feats of strength was being able to lift 40 tons and throw a cube of Katchin, All during the Buu Saga.

Kachin as the Dubbed version calls it is the "Strongest metal in the universe" according to the Supreme Kai. In metals strength reflects density and the most dense metal in the [known] universe would be Neutron Star core. Quoting Google here:

A neutron star is so dense that one teaspoon (5 milliliters) of its material would have a mass over 7012550000000000000♠5.5×10^12 kg (that is 1100 tonnes per 1 nanolitre), about 900 times the mass of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

To put this into perspective, Kachin, to be the strongest metal would have to be Neutron Star material or something very much like it. If one nanolitre is equal to 1,100 metric tons we can calculate the total mass of that block Goku lifted relative to the Kai's world (which for future record, is magically suspended in the After Life and isn't subject to the same rules as the normal world). At 00:56 seconds into the video, we can see that the cube he is lifting is roughly Goku's height cubed, or 5'7" cubed (1.7018 meters cubed). That comes to 1701.8 liters or 1,701,800,000,000 nanoliters. That means that cube has a mass of 1.87198e+15 ton. On Earth it'd weigh just that 1.87198e+15 tons. 

That is massive, excessively massive. To put this into perspective one Solar mass, the mass of our sun, is 1.9891e+27 tons.
And Goku threw it like it was nothing

 Also just because Kachin is the strongest METAL in the DBZ universe and even if it was stronger than a neutron star then it has no correlation to it's weight. It is very possible that that cube weighed no more than 40 tons. You can't measure power levels with ANYTHING. Even the creators of DBZ said and I quote "Power levels are ridiculous."

Now, Goku’s Super Saiyan transformations give a multiplier to all of his statistics (strength, speed, durability, and energy output). Using these, we can determine Goku’s maximum lifting strength during and throughout the Majin Buu Saga.

But by the way the Super Saiyan Multipliers present themselves, we can POSSIBLY ASSUME that Super Saiyan God = Super Saiyan 3 x 6:

Super Saiyan = Base power x 50
Super Saiyan 2 = Super Saiyan power x 2 (100 x from Base)
Super Saiyan 3 = Super Saiyan 2 power x 4 (400 x from Base)

Super Saiyan God = Possible assumption of Super Saiyan 3 power x 6. But because of the facts held AGAINST Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, it won't be used at all. Since the facts from the SERIES itself shows the form is weaker.

We can NOW assume that Goku's full strength from lifting the Kachin is THIS:
Base = 1.87198e15 tons (which equals to 1871980000000000 = 1 quadrillion tons)
Super Saiyan = 9.3599e16 tons (which equals to 93599000000000000 = 9.3 quadrillion tons)
Super Saiyan 2 = 1.87198e17 tons (which equals to 187198000000000000 = Close to 1 Quintillion tons)
Super Saiyan 3 = 7.48792e17 tons (which equals to 748792000000000000 = Close to 1 Quintillion tons)
Super Saiyan God = 4.492752e18 tons (which equals to 4492751999999999488 = Over 4 Qintillion tons)

Wow...Not even close.

Now, here’s where a lot of fans tend to argue that Cell was powerful enough to destroy a Solar System, so Beerus has to be much stronger. Personally, I have never believed Cell’s statement, as it contradicts future feats from much stronger characters later in the series (like Kid Buu). But instead of going into a detailed explanation and calculation as to why Cell is not that powerful, I’m going to leave the link below to someone who’s already done it for me. Read at your own pleasure/displeasure.

Source: (Beerus showing why he’s a god)

As for Superman, at his Base form, he can lift 6.6 sextillion tons (5.972 sextilion metric tons in the New 52), the exact projected weight of Planet Earth. I guess that means Superman is the winner when it comes to Strength.

Also, The amount of Striking Strength does NOT equal to the amount of Lifting Strength. I googled this subject and almost every experts on this subject comfirmed it to be true. Roaring Thunder Pursuit once wrote that Superman excels Goku in strength, then Goku has a striking strength that surpassed Superman, and THAT means Goku is stronger than Superman?!?!?! What? I won't deny the fact that Goku has better at striking.

STRENGTH goes to Superman.

Next is SPEED!

Well, for one thing, NEITHER of them can RUN faster the speed of light because Goku DOESN'T run...that much, And Superman's top running speed pales in comparison to the Flash's speed, and NO ONE CAN OUTRUN THE FLASH!!! RUN, BARRY, RUN!!!!!

anyway, we know by far that Goku's Instant Transmission is... Instant. Goku was able to travel from Earth to King Kai's Planet in one moment (as we saw when Cell detonated himself). In BoG/DBS Whis tells Beerus that travelling from King Kai's Planet to Earth would've took 3 minutes. So... doesn't Whis have an Instant Transmission-like technique? And if not, is Goku actually the fastest in the whole universe?

No. Not a Chance. And here's why.

What Goku has isn't speed,it's more like teleportation, if they were to race, Whis would win. AGAIN, Instant Transmission DOESN'T prove Goku can move faster than either the speed of light or Superman, at least using this technique. By Roaring Thunder Pursuit and the DBZ BS logic, wouldn't that mean Nightcrawler from X-MEN is faster than the speed of light? What about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, are they faster than the speed of light when they go from wherever they are to the Command Center and vice versa? 
No. because:

- Teleportation isn't speed. It the transfer of matter or energy from one place to another without the need to traverse the space between them. In other words, it's literally moving from point a to point b without ever actually moving.

- No one isn't acknowledging IT. Well, at least I'm not. Still, the fact remains that its not actual speed. If being perfectly honest, Kaioshin and likely the Yardrat all have better versions of IT that'd be more suitable for something like this because as far as Kaioshin is concerned he doesn't need a signal to lock on to.

- Why? It's not speed. There is no actual movement involved outside the act of displacement. And even if you regard it as speed, he can't use it without first having something to lock on to, which Whis doesn't need.

So what is the Goku has been known to go? We aren't using Snake Way because obviously in his base form, he has long surpassed that.

In terms of speed, he was able to move faster than the average human eye could process as a kid. He can easily move faster than a speeding bullet. He gets across snake way in 2 days. Which is about 6,813 MPH. If he could breathe in space he could make it to the moon in about 36 hours.
By the end he can move faster than the speed of light.
Speed of Light = 299 792 458 m / s (186,000 miles per second). The best bet closest to the series is that Goku, by the end of Dragonball Z, can move close to the speed of light. and using the Super Saiyan Multiplier method, we can determine that Goku's top speed is this:

Base = 186,000 miles per second
Super Saiyan = 9,300,000 miles per second (which is 50x the speed of light)
Super Saiyan 2 = 18,600,000 miles per second  (which is 100x the speed of light)
Super Saiyan 3 = 74,400,000 miles per second  (which is 400x the speed of light)
Super Saiyan God = 446,400,000 miles per second  (which is 2,400x the speed of light)

Okay...But What about Superman?
However, at base, his fastest known speed was stated by Batman to be at least 10,563,300,000 mph (10.5 billion mph). That's 15.75 times the speed of light. However, that's nowhere near his upper I'll explain in a second.
On top of his speed, Superman's reflexes and reaction time are beyond measurement. In the JLA comics, Batman says that Superman can perceive things happening with zeptosecond precision. Nanosecond = one billionth of a second. Zeptosecond = one sextillionth of a second. To save Lois Lane, he read and memorized every medical text ever published (a number ranging in the hundreds of thousands, each book anywhere from 500-5000 pages long) and performed surgery single-handedly with his heat vision to save her life...all in under five minutes.
His brain obviously works faster than any supercomputer could ever hope to. This adds to his reaction speed. But I know what you're saying. Goku is still faster, right? Well, here's a Superman feat after becoming supercharged from sundipping for 1 minute.
In All-Star Superman, the Man of Steel raced to Alpha Centauri and back within seconds just to pick flowers for Lois before she finished her sentence to him. Now, Alpha Centauri is 4.367 light years away from Earth. Superman went there and back (8.734 light years) in 20 seconds. How do I know it was 20 seconds? Well, using the animated film (since in the comic, it was a single panel), I timed the second he was offscreen to the second he reappeared onscreen, which turned out to be 20 seconds long. fast did he have to be going to get to Alpha Centauri, pick flowers, and get back in 20 seconds? Let's do the math...
If Superman traveled 8.734 light years, then he traveled 513,428,174,000,000 miles (513.4 trillion miles). If we divide that number by 20 (the time it took him to get there and back) then he was traveling at a speed of 25,671,409,000,000 miles per second (25.6 trillion miles per second). That's 92,417,072,400,000,000 miles per hour (92.4 quadrillion miles per hour).
And that's 137,809,097 times the speed of light. Not to mention, he can vibrate his molecules so fast that he can vibrate through anything.
SPEED goes to Superman!                                                                       

Next is Skill/Technique. 

I mean, no doubt Goku has more Skill/Technique. 

Superman DOES have a fighting style.

 Many stories depict Superman as a very capable Master Combatant with or without his abilities, as he has been trained by both Wildcat in boxing and Mongul in the fighting arts. He has fought and learned from Wonder Woman and has also learned martial arts techniques from Batman. To a lesser degree, Superman is also adept at armed combat, as he is shown to be decent with a sword and hammer. He has also learned two different types of Kryptonian fighting styles, Torquasm-Rao and Torquasm-Vo to enhance his body and mind. Initially, the New 52 saw Superman's return to being an untrained combatant, with the likes of Captain Comet remarking that the Man of Steel's brawling skills are formidable in spite of this. However, this was soon rectified in the form of his receiving combat training from Wonder Woman.

Superman's Skills/Technique:

Kryptonian Physiology 
Solar Radiation Absorption
Healing Factor
Super Strength 
Super Speed 
Super Hearing
Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision – More commonly known as X-Ray Vision
Super Breath 
Heat Vision
Torquasm Vo & Torquasm Rao 
Infinite Mass Punch

 But regardless, Goku has fighting in his blood. It's his heart and soul. He obviously has more abilities than Superman when it comes to this category, even adding the abilities Goku used as a Kid in Dragonball.

Saiyan Physiology
Ki Manipulation 
Ki Sense 
Ki Suppression 
Jan Ken (aRock, Paper, Scissors)
Instant Transmission
Ki Blast 
Ki Blast Cannon 
Ki Barrier 
Explosive Wave 
Solar Flare 
Destructo Disk 
Super Kamehameha and True Kamehameha 
Double Kamehameha
Twin Dragon Shot 
Feet Kamehameha 
Continuous Kamehameha 
Instant Kamehameha
10x Kamehameha
Dragon Fist 
Spirit Bomb 
Spirit Bomb Absorption 
Super Dragon Fist
Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan 2 
Super Saiyan 3
Super Saiyan God/ Super Saiyan
Fusion Dance 
Skills/Technique goes to Goku.

Also, Toriyama has stated in an interview that Beerus could destroy the Kaioshin realm,  It is a special realm completely separate from the macrocosm that the afterlife, universe, and Demon Realm are all enclosed within. It’s made up of a giant crystalline sphere, about 1/10th the size of the macrocosm, and it revolves around the macrocosm like a moon. . Almost every new Toriyama interview or new Databook (or Daizenshuu) brings about added controversies due to so called 'mistranslations'. Without an authentic Japanese speaker, it is impossible to determine the exact meaning of any statement and judge if a statement from Toriyama is being exaggerated or downplayed post translation.  Till confirmed authentication from a legit Japanese speaking Wiki member, Beerus destroying 1/5 of a universe claim should be noted but not powerscaled yet.
Next is Energy Manipulation/Energy Output/Ki

But Goku and Superman have a unique source of energy, Ki and the Sun. The Greater the Ki, the stronger, faster, more durable Goku is. And the closer Superman is to the sun, the stronger, faster, more durable he is. But this is where the similarities end. Goku's means of energy is limited, Superman's is UN-limited.

That being said, No doubt about it, Goku excels in THIS category. He, like all Dragonball Z characters, are masters at Ki/Energy Manipulation attacks and Goku is NO different. Ki blast, Ki Barrier, Destructo Disk, Solar Flare, And the infamous Kamehameha Wave This list is more than this, And I did discuss it during the Skill/Technique.

Superman, on the other hand, has little to no experience in Ki/Energy Manipulation, only when he's He uses his Heat Vision and Super Breath, other than that, he's no good in this category at all.

Energy Manipulation/Energy Output/Ki goes to Goku.

Next is Durability!

The major thing for me that determines the outcome of this infamous pairing is feats. Supes has clear, quantifiable and consistent feats so you know where he's at, at his most powerful and at his weakest. On Goku's side though, the majority of it is fan calculations, abc logic, power-scaling and speculation that, with what little feats db character do have contradict each other.

Roaring Thunder Pursuit's video is FULL of it...and lies, too. He claims Goku can excel over Superman's ability to tank 50 supernovas in Super Saiyan forms....

SIR!! And let me tell you why that's bullshit.

1. - It's obvious by that statement, you don't know what a Supernova is. Did you even look it up? One supernova produces about as much energy as the sun does in its entire lifetime of 10 billion years (don't forget that sun outputs the equivalent energy of a hundred billion megaton nukes every second!). The energy released in a supernova is on the order or 10^44 Joules.

- The energy released by an one-megaton nuclear weapon is on the order of 4 × 10^15 Joules. The largest nuke ever detonated (the Tsar Bomba) had a yield of about 50 megatons or 2 × 10^17 Joules.

It would take 10^44 / 10^17 = 10^27 of the largest nukes ever build to match the energy output of a supernova. That is a 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times the biggest bomb ever build!

On a much grander scale, a type 1a supernova explosion gives off 1–2x1044 joules of energy, which is about a hundred billion yottatons (ten octillion (1028) megatons) of TNT, equivalent to the explosive force of a quantity of TNT a trillion (1012) times the mass of the planet Earth.
Superman tanked 15 supernovas and the 50 supernovas that Screwattck claimed!

Either way, the fact is that 1 supernova trumps the energy needed to destroy earth, which is 53 quadrillion megatons.

2.  Goku has NEVER, EVER. EEEEEEEEVVVVVVEEERRR tanked ANYTHING close to a Supernova, And I mean a REAL supernova, Not Freeza and Cooler's attack. He can't even tank the force used to destroy Earth, which is 53 quadrillion megatons. Not just the Namek Saga, but ALL Sagas.

Goku DIDN'T tank, nor survive Semi-Perfect Cell's Self-Destruct bomb, which has the power to destroy Earth. (While in Super Saiyan) And if he could tank more Supernovas than Superman as Roaring Thunder Project falsely claims, then Goku should've had NO problem tanking Majin Buu's Planet Burst,  (While in Super Saiyan) which has enough energy and power to destroy the world "ten times over"... when Goku can't even survive the earth being destroyed ONE time over. And what about Frieza's sore loser attack at the final parts of Resurrection F? And what about the End of Battle of Gods when Goku lost to Beerus (I Still can't get over that) Beerus was about to destroy earth and everyone, EVEN Goku, was scared for their lives. Again, if he could tank more Supernovas than Superman as Roaring Thunder Project falsely claims, then Goku should've had NO problem tanking Beerus' incoming attack, but he didn't...because he couldn't...BECAUSE HE CAN'T!

It could even lead to the unfortunate conclusion that Goku can NEVER tank and explosion to destroy earth, No matter what form he is in. And even if he could, he can't breath in space. Vegeta in Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan survived the earth exploding, but died instantly because he, like all Saiyans, can't breath in space. But Superman can. Basically confirming that not only Goku can only tank an earth exploding technique in Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, but he can't tank nor survive the same explosion in Base or in Super Saiyan 1, 2, or 3.

Buu's Planet Burst can Destroy the earth "ten times over" meaning 53 quadrillion megatons x 10 = 5.3e+17 ( 584224994789925.625 = Close to 1 quintillion megatons and NOT even close to a Supernova, which is About 10 octillion megatons (10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) or 2 octillion tsar bombas (200000000000000000000000000 megatons) and Superman tanked 15 of those. even the New 52 can tank a Supernova:

Haha, but his biggest concern is dating Wonder Woman...

Goku can't tank MORE Supernova's than Superman, I don't know where he gets this crap, it's obviously made up to make Goku look good. Because using the feats from the show is a bad idea, because it truly shows how weak Goku is compared to Superman.

What about Superman?...

If he can tank 15 supernovas, or even 1 which he did, he can tank a planet getting destroyed...well, not emotionally. He even tanked the explosion of a planet, which HE caused using his Infinite Mass Punch!

Durability goes to Superman!

Next and Last is EXPERIENCE!

sorry to say DBZ fanboys, but Superman wins THIS one. Why? Here's why:

Goku has trained in the martial arts ever since he was old enough to crawl. Having been raised and formally trained by his Grandpa Gohan, Goku was a better martial artist at age 12 than most adults are by the time they reach their prime. Although, a large part of his advanced growth had to do with his Saiyan heritage. Even as an infant, Goku was bred and brainwashed to be a ruthless killer. And it was only after hitting his head that he became a kind-hearted boy with the determination to protect others.
Reciving Training from his Grandpa Gohan, Master Roshi, Korin, Kami, King Kai, the aliens from the planet Yardrat, and finally, and recently, Whis.

So, now that we’ve discussed the history of Goku’s training, let’s discuss what his ending fighting style really consists of, shall we?
Goku has always relied more on his martial arts than he ever has his energy attacks. In contrast to Vegeta, Goku is primarily a physical fighter before resorting to his more powerful energy attacks. His combat style usually consists of a lot of rapid movements, featuring mostly straight punches and spinning kicks. However, Goku is nothing but versatile. He’ll use knees, high kicks, sweeps, grabs, and his trademark head butt to overcome his foes. Basically, every part of Goku is a weapon. Over his career, he has even become extremely adept at aerial combat, proving that he can fight equally as competently while in flight as he can on the ground. He also truly seems to enjoy locking, grappling, and especially throwing his opponents, as his signature Dragon Throw has been used numerous times to set adversaries up for a stronger attack.
However, Goku’s fighting style doesn’t rely solely on his physical techniques; it also implements powerful energy attacks to deal heavy damage to his enemy. By wearing them down physically, Goku can exploit their temporary weakness with a high-powered, high-yield energy attack to deal an even more significant amount of damage. And on top of these strategies, Goku always has a ki technique up his sleeve that can serve as a temporary distraction (Solar Flare) or even end the battle completely (Dragon Fist), although he normally doesn’t apply the latter kind of attack unless he’s sure of a victory.
In the end, Goku is a genius when it comes to fighting who’s garnered nearly 59 years of combat experience under his belt. His fighting style may rely on certain key elements, but he’s proven time and time again that he is versatile and able to change his fighting style to match his opponent; that is unless he is just completely outclassed by their power. But with Goku’s extensive training and mastery of several different martial arts, he is truly a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.
But what about Supes?....

Superman started his early career with little to no training in the martial arts whatsoever, save maybe a few father-son lessons from Jonathan Kent on the family farm. But when you’re the strongest, fastest, and most durable being on the planet, who needs to know how to fight, right? However, while he may have been able to handle normal humans and natural disasters, when it came time to go toe to toe with a supervillain as powerful as he was, Superman quickly realized he needed to learn some of the finer points of fighting.

This is where Wildcat, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Mongul came into the picture.
Boxing, Pressure Points, Amazonian and Warworld Combat, and finally, He has also learned two different types of Kryptonian fighting styles, Torquasm-Rao and Torquasm-Vo to enhance his body and mind.  On top of having some 20+ years defending the Earth and the universe from foes bent on destroying it, there is also one feat he accomplished alongside Wonder Woman that can easily be recorded as combat experience.

In Action Comics Issue #761, Superman fought without his powers (alongside Wonder Woman) for literally a thousand years against demons in an alternate dimension (Valhalla) where he couldn’t age. That amount of experience would put his combat intelligence far beyond anything touchable by almost any other fictional character. Not to mention, he was fighting magical creatures the entire time. And yes, by the end of it, they made it back to their original time and dimension after winning the war they were fighting. (Superman and Wonder Woman fighting demons) (Wonder Woman and Superman begin to lose track of time while fighting) (Superman strikes the winning blow that ends the 1,000 year long war) Woman reveals the timeframe to Lois and that Superman was faithful to her)

By the end of it all, Superman truly is more than just a brutish brawler. Not only does he normally lead with a speed-blitz, but also with his pressure points, because he wants to end the fight fast. And even if they don’t work at first, he has several other martial arts (Boxing, Gladiatorial Combat, etc.) to fall back on, giving him to enough time to deduce the opponent’s true weaknesses and use them against them.

On top of those facts, though, Superman rarely just fights with his brute strength and speed alone. He consistently incorporates all of his superpowers into the fray, super cooling enemies with his Frost Breath or placing pinpoint accurate to devastatingly destructive beams of Heat Vision on or inside his opponent’s body. And he uses these in perfect coordination with one another, thanks to Mongul II.
Superman doesn’t just use one fighting style at a time. Like any competent fighter, he incorporates everything in his arsenal all at once. And he’s intelligent enough to know when to hold back … and when to cut loose.

Even if we used REAL WORLD time logic, Goku would STILL get trumped by Supes, as Goku, as well as Dragonball, has been around for over 30 years, while Superman has been around for almost 80 YEARS. Facts are facts, and the fact is that Superman beats Goku in this category, and he shows NO signs of slowing down.
Combat Experience – 1,020+ years

EXPERIENCE goes to Superman.

Son Goku
 Son Goku


In the end, Screwattack was Right after all. Superman would win in a Death Battle. So it's understandable that the DBZ fanboys would make videos contradicting themselves. Doing research for both characters is a REAL brain-racker, Funny how Roaring Thunder Pursuit claims it takes Common Sense to figure it out....No, it takes ACTUAL Research of BOTH series, ACTUAL facts, and ACTUAL understanding of the terms of both characters abilities, both positive and negative. Obviously HE didn't use any of that. And I love how he attacks the anime community for "not figuring this out"...well, that's because THEY KNOW it to be true. Most don't go on youtube, and spout random fan speculations as facts. They are Smarter than that, because they are better than that.

Well, most of them are...

Funny how he claims it's easy for find the answer because He proved how wrong Screwattack was.

Yeah you did, by throwing around random numbers, and using stats that DON'T all. It's not to say Screwattack is faultless, They lie a lot in their Death Battle, but it don't make them less entertaining. Remember, if you want to prove Goku can beat Superman, DON'T use the Source Material, because it will shoot your argument in the foot, instead use fan speculations, like Roaring Thunder Pursuit, it'll prove you are right.../sarc.

See you humans later.


  1. Thanks for this. It was a pretty entertaining read.

  2. Most stupid post ever! Proved nothing but was entertaining

  3. Blog says that theyre not based in any way and quotes the new DBZ movies to prove points. So wrong. Like the quote when Whis says Vegeta and Goku teaming up to beat Beerus. He said that because Vegeta was too tense and Goku was too carefree. Beerus and Goku clashed with enough force to destroy the universe but Goku was able to adapt and cancel out the shockwaves. How could he possibly do that if he was weaker??? And since when in black and white has it ever said that Superman could destroy the universe when Goku can easily put power a billion that can slap the earth to destruction in their weakened state? And let's not forget the powerpole. Goku has a direct weakness of Superman.

    Im biased towards Goku but I'm not an idiot. How many comparisons have even mentioned how the God forms changed their energy? DBZ characters explicitly stated they couldn't sense a gods energy.... Yet their "Ki" is treated the same as if they weren't gods anymore.

    This is so frustrating. So beyond frustrating. Blog even states that someone else's fight, because it mentions someone else's work is false but the facts they bring to light mean nothing due to that....

  4. I ought to debate you right now, because some of the things you said were COMPLETE FODDER.
